Creation 2007 Imaginary situations

The House in the Loire

La Maison dans la Loire
Can be seen in Couëron, near Nantes

Far from the ephemeral theater, here is the dream of a stone house. One of its windows is still open, as if its inhabitants had just left. Subject to the slow swing of the tide, this silent and solitary house, sleepily askew on the muddy water, lies on the banks of Lavau, a town of 729 inhabitants located in the Loire estuary.

Built with moulded concrete, on stilts, this house is a life size replica, down to the last brush stroke, of "the House of the Port" in this ancient busy port in the days when wood and blue granite was ferried to build Saint-Nazaire shipyards.

Now, like an abandoned inn that has hosted its share of travellers, it beckons the passer-by, and is a milestone, a landmark, a sign on his journey, just like a sculpture reflecting past glory.

But this house leaves its door open to everyone's imagination. Who will think of the lives of its past guests, of the gulls and other birds come to nest, perhaps ; who will think of their childhood home where the shutters are permanently closed, or of all displaced people forced to pack up in a hurry...


For the first time, Jean-Luc Courcoult ventures on the side of Land Art. It is his response to the commission of Estuary 2007, a contemporary art event initiated by Jean Blaise, director of the Lieu Unique, Nantes. Courcoult is alongside visual artists such as Alain Séchas, Felice Varini, Fabrice Hyber, Erwin Wurm. There are thirty artists, whose works are posted along the forty miles of Loire river between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire.

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« Une maison réaliste et poétique.  »

Presse Océan - 16/07/2007

« L’œuvre est dorénavant pérenne, ancrée dans la roche par des pieux, animée par les marées. 'C'est un rêve de gosse et d'adulte. Cette maison me ressemble, rêveuse et solitaire, avec de la tendresse comme moi', souriait Jean-Luc Courcoult.  »

Ouest-France - 30/09/2013

« En total [estuario] se trata de más de treinta instalaciones de grandes dimensiones de artistas célebres o que empiezan su carrera artística, todos ellos elegidos por su capacidad para jugar con el espacio público y las dimensiones del estuario.  »

Travelport - 07/2008
