
The "Dakar-Dakar" is launched in the districts of Pikine, Ouakam and Fass!

The launch of the “Dakar-Dakar

On Saturday 22nd November at Place de la Nation (formerly Obelisque), the “Dakar-Dakar” was launched by the street theatre company Royal de Luxe, co-producer of the event with the French Institute of Senegal, after a parade on the Boulevard de la République which paid a tribute to the Senegalese riflemen.

Oscar Victor Bourgogne, latecomer of the 2007 Paris-Dakar and creator of the “Dakar-Dakar” arrived at the Place de la Nation in a rolling bathtub, escorted by the military band and mechanical horses, to officially launch this great inter-district competition. Ismaël Lô concluded this opening with a free concert.


The selections in the districts

The “Dakar-Dakar” is the first static bicycle race in Senegal. It pits the districts of Pikine, Fass and Ouakam against each other.

On Sunday 23rd November, Royal de Luxe parades took place in these three districts; this “postman’s tour” made it possible to place a training bike on the esplanade of the L. S. Senghor cultural complex in Pikine, then on the field of Fass and finally on the field of Ouakam, so that each district could select its nine finalists who will represent it during the grand final on Saturday 29th November.

Since Monday, selections have been taking place in these three districts. Coaches, assisted by assistants and secretaries, ensure their smooth running in compliance with the rules of the competition defined by Royal de Luxe and participate in maintaining the emulation around the “Dakar-Dakar”.

All the inhabitants of the district can freely try their luck, the objective being to pedal on the 1 km static bike as quickly as possible in order to be among the nine finalists of the district.

Neighbourhood festivals: free concerts

In order to prolong the party in the evening, the French Institute sets up stages in the neighbourhoods. These neighbourhood parties are organised in conjunction with town halls, associations and directors of socio-cultural centres:

Monday 24 November at 8 pm, esplanade of the L. S. Senghor cultural complex in Pikine: Didier Awadi, Matador, Kalsoum, Le Journal Rappé…

Tuesday 25 November at 8 pm, Ouakam municipal field: Marema, Yoro Ndiaye …

Wednesday 26 November at 8 pm, Fass field: Ablaye Mbaye, Pape & Cheikh



The “Dakar-Dakar” final

This exceptional week will end with the final of the “Dakar-Dakar” on Saturday 29th November at Place de la Nation (ex-Obélisque) from 5pm. It promises to be a great festive and popular moment.

Three static bikes will be set up in front of a monumental map of Senegal. The finalists from Pikine, Ouakam and Fass will follow one another on these bicycles and a mechanism will allow miniature bicycles to tour the country. The fastest will win his or her neighbourhood and win a motorbike.




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