Royal de Luxe

La saga des géants

A lifelong artist

Jean-Luc Courcoult, the magician But on which planet was he born? By which light did he arrive? How does this intensely free man today still manage to draw us into his musings? As if guided by a sentiment of urgency, at each moment of his life he devotes himself to searching for the formula which will put stars in the eyes of each being who asks him implicitly “draw me a sheep!”. On this voyage to the planet Imagination, he feels like a magician. The positive energy of life which he carries in him since childhood does not refuse him anything. His bubbling mind gives him the power to blow on the Universe, to shake up the continents as far as to reenchant the Giants’ route, to cross the Planck wall, to pitch his tent on the facade of the Bellevue building, to give new galaxies to the dreams.
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Travelling through time and the world